NEJE控制软件能够解析nc文件包括G1,G2,G3元素,G1,G2,G3能够表达常用的图像,基本能够解析inkscape所有的生成内容. DXF文件目前只支持直线,三角形,圆形这些基本的形状,如果您需要解析更多复杂的图像建议使用inkscape设计,下面将提供g代码简单的知识和inkscape的使用教程!
如果您是grbl CNC操作专业玩家,Master V3版本将支持Grbl Controller软件,能够解析所有g代码元素.但是请注意,在GRBL Controller控制模式下,NEJE的意外触碰传感器保护功能将无法工作,建议提前做好防护准备!
什么是G代码?Inkscape official website: Download
Inkscape is professional quality vector graphics software which runs on Windows, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux. It is used by design professionals and hobbyists worldwide, for creating a wide variety of graphics such as illustrations, icons, logos, diagrams, maps and web graphics. Inkscape uses the W3C open standard SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) as its native format, and is free and open-source software.
Set the desk 530x530
We will give some examples of how to convert text, images, dxf to nc files suitable for engraving.
dxf: DXF files are designed by CAD software, and inkscape can optimize dxf to NC files with optimal path.
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